Instructions To Authors

Print the manuscript on one side of standard size A4, white bond paper, with margins of at least 2.5 cm (1") in double space typescript on each side. Use American English using Times New Roman font 12 size. Submit four complete sets of the manuscript.

They are considered for publication on the understanding that they are contributed to this journal solely.

All pages are numbered at the top of the right corner, beginning with the title page.

All manuscripts should be sent to: The Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics.


1st Page

  • Title
  • Name Of The Author And Affiliation
  • Institution
  • Address for correspondence (Email, Phone, Fax if any)
  • Word count
  • No. of figures (colour / black and white)
  • No. of references
  • Authors contribution

2nd Page

  • Abstract (unstructured, not exceeding 100 words) with key words (not exceeding 4)

3rd Page

  • Acknowledgement
  • Points to remember (not more than 5 points)
  • Text
  • References
  • Tables
  • Legends
  • Figures - should be good quality, 4 copies (4 x 6 inches - Maxi size) black & white / colour* Glossy print
  • Each colour image will be charged Rs. 1,000/- separetely, with effect from January 2006 (Except for invited articles).


Only generic names should be used Measurements must be in metric units with System International (SI) Equivalents given in parentheses.


Recent and relevant references only 
Strictly adhere to Vancouver style 
Should be identified in the text by Arabic numerals as superscript. 
Type double-space on separate sheets and number consecutively as they appear in the text. 
Articles without references / Defective references will entail rejection of article


Numbered with Roman numerals and typed on separate sheets. 
Title should be centered above the table and explanatory notes below the table.

Figures and legends 

Unmounted and with figure number, first author's name and top location indicated on the back of each figure. 
Legends typed double-space on separate sheet. No title on figure.
All manuscripts, which are rejected will not be returned to author. Those submitting articles should therefore ensure that they retain at least one copy and the illustration if any.

Article Categories

Review article 

Article should be informative covering the recent and practical aspects in that field. Main articles can be in 1500 - 2000 words with 12 - 15 recent references and abstract not exceeding 100 words.

Case report (covering practical importance)

250 - 600 words, 8 - 10 recent references

Clinical spotters section 

150 - 200 words write up.
With 1 or 2 images of clinically recognizable condition
(of which one could be in the form of clinical photograph / specimen photograph / investigation)

Letters to the Editor

200 - 250 words pertaining to the articles published in the journal or practical viewpoints with scientific backing and appropriate references in Vancouver style.

Check List

Covering letter by corresponding author
Declaration (as enclosed) singed by all authors ** 
Manuscript (4 copies)
Accompanied by a copy in CD / or submit as an email attachment in addition to hard copy.
Failing to comply with the requirement at the time of submission would lead to the rejection of the article.

Author's contribution / Authorship Criteria

All persons designated as authors should qualify for the authorship. Authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions to i) concept and design, or collection of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; ii) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and iii) final approval of the version to be published. All conditions 1, 2 and 3 must be met. Participation solely in the collection of data does not justify authorship and can be mentioned in the acknowledgement if wanted.

Declaration by authors 

I/We certify that the manuscript titled "............." represents valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under my/our authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere. The author(s) undersigned hereby transfer(s), assign(s), or otherwise convey(s) all copyright ownership, including any and all rights incidental thereto, exclusively to the Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics, in the event that such work is published in Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics. I / we assume full responsibility for any infringement of copyright or plagiarism.

Authors' name(s) in order of appearance in the manuscript | Signatures (date)

Selection procedures

All articles including invited articles will be peer reviewed by two masked reviewers. The decision of the Editorial Board based on the reviewer's comments is final. All manuscripts, which are rejected will not be returned to author. Those submitting articles should therefore ensure that they retain at least one copy and the illustration, if any.

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