Editor In Chief Message
Dear All
Greetings from IJPP, Chennai.
The web site of "Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics (www.ijpp.in)" is designed to help those who are in favour of online literature search.
The journal by publishing articles serve as a rich source in practical pediatric problems from various specialties in the form of review articles interesting case repots, etc. Apart from its scientific content, it passes on news about forth coming events like conferences, CME's and other courses, along with advertisements on products in the field of pediatrics and allied specialties. Information about "Indian Academy of Pediatrics" (IAP) and "Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics" (IJPP) is incorporated. It also gives information about the instructions to authors who want to contribute articles to the journal. Provides format of subscription tariff of the journal as well as the advertisement tariff enabling the viewers to take print out and use it straightaway. To make search easy and complete, you are provided with links with websites of other pediatric journals available globally. In this way the website is resourceful and the information is credible and organized in a manner which is us useful to the viewers.
This site is unique in the sense that the scientific material in the website covers the practical pediatric problems published in the journal. Web site is very simple and user-friendly and navigation does not depend on complicated procedures. It also a pleasing format and there are clear directions.
IJPP website once visited your ID would be remembered. This will help in inviting and the viewers in future their views for on subject content. We are sure that you would be definitely interested in recommending this site to your colleagues. As a whole, the website is designed in a way with much importance given to its scientific content which every viewer would appreciate. When you want to pass on some comments, you are offered the facility of posting the same under feedback option. I request every viewer to utilize IJPP website to the maximum and feel free to give your feedback on its contents and presentation as well as suggestions for further improvement.